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Have ESG Initiatives?


What to consider first -

Automated Carbon Footprint Reporting

Second -

Usonia's Work-At-Home Employee solutions reduce employee costs, while simultaneously tracking the corporate carbon footprint reduction in aggregate.


Set Green Goals

Waiting Room

Green Goal #1
Reduce Corporate Carbon Footprint, Measure & Report Results

Green Goal #2
Impact the Environment, Recognize Employees & Save Them Money!

Green Goal #3
Turn Employees into Green Program Influencers 

Usonia & Partners Deliver Solutions

  • Meaningful energy & water consumption data from every utility, used by 25% of Fortune 500 companies, to establish baseline carbon footprint profiles

  • Measurement & reporting of ongoing carbon footprint changes

  • Employee recognition & benefit programs to include sourcing & fulfillment of various Energy Saving Packages (including smart thermostats, water management systems, reduced flow shower heads, LED bulbs and more) for both WAH and on-site employees

  • Social media platform & communication strategies to engage employees directly to optimize savings and impact

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